Renewing your family's membership?
Click the RENEW NOW button above and log in to your MyGS account. Click on the My Household tab on the left to renew the members in your household or to add an adult or girl to your household.
Renewing your troop?
Click the RENEW NOW button above and log in to your MyGS account. Click on the My Troop(s) tab to renew your troop members.
Need more help? Check out our Renewal Troop Tip Sheet.
Note: On Oct. 1, girls who have not renewed their membership for the new Girl Scout year will no longer show as a filled spot in the troop. This unclaimed spot will be available to all prospective members.
This is the perfect time to review and update your troop’s information (meeting location/day/time, desired number of girls, etc.) in the Troop Catalog. Please fill out the Troop Catalog Update Form.
Troop leaders can renew their troops all year long and see the membership status of all their troop members (ex., active, payment pending, pending financial aid, etc.)
All members can add adults to their household and easily edit their family's contact information.
Please note: When you open the Membership and/or Troop(s) tabs, you'll see a column called Status. Here's what each status means:
- Time to Renew: Girl/volunteer has not renewed for the upcoming Membership Year. This status will only show between April 1 and Sept. 30.
- Active: Girl/volunteer has an active membership for the current Membership Year. Between April 1 and Sept. 30, the girl/volunteer has an active membership for the current Membership Year and the Next Membership Year
- Inactive: Girl/volunteer is not a current member.
- Lapsed: Typically seen on adult roles, meaning that role has lapsed and the volunteer is no longer active in that role.
- Pending FA: Girl has requested financial assistance. Council sends the parent/guardian an application to complete in order to be considered for financial assistance.
- Pending: Volunteer is in the process of being approved for a new role. (When renewing membership and volunteer positions each year, staff must manually approve each role in the system; this usually takes 1-3 days after completion of your renewal.)
- Screening: Volunteer is pending clearances.
- Not Returning: Girl/volunteer is not returning.
If you're unable to renew or face any other issues, please email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible to help you finish the renewal process.