Q: When is the deadline to register for camp?
A: Registration closes two weeks prior to the session start date. If a session is full, consider adding your Girl Scout to the waitlist. The waitlist is reviewed on a continual basis and you will be notified more than one week prior to the start of the camp session regarding the status of your registration.
Q: I'm unsure if my Girl Scout is ready for overnight camp. What other camping options does Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania offer?
A: We offer several camping options, including Troop Camp, Family Camp, and Day Camp. To learn more about our summer offerings, view our Camp S'more magazine.
Q: Who can go to camp?
A: Girl Scouts is for every girl... and you don't even need to join a troop. Simply become an Individually Registered Girl Scout—Indie Girl Scout—and you can enjoy summer camp and all of the other activities and programs that make Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania so much fun!
We also have a few specific camp sessions that are open for non-members to attend camp with their Girl Scout bestie. For details on how to register as a non-member, click on Camp Registration on our summer camp page and scroll to "Step-by-step camp registration instructions for non-members"
Q. Is financial assistance offered for camp?
A: Girls can earn funds to help pay for camp by participating in our Cookie and MagNut programs, and financial assistance is available for girls who qualify to help cover one council-sponsored camp per membership year. To request financial assistance, complete the Financial Assistance Form.
Q. What are the sleeping arrangements at overnight camp?
A: Our overnight camp living units include:
Unit assignments are determined by the Camp Director and based on capacity and session needs. Your Girl Scout(s) will find out their unit assignment at check-in. Each living unit has bathroom facilities.
Q. What safety guidelines are in place at camp?
A: All camps meet established standards for health and safety, site maintenance, program, and personnel, which are set by state and local governments and Girl Scouts of the USA. All Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania camps are ACA accredited—for more information please review ACA Accreditation. In addition, all camps have a qualified Camp Heathcare Manager on-site and a health center stocked with first aid equipment. Camp staff are trained on safety and emergency procedures. Each unit and program area has a stocked first aid kit.
Q: What are the meals like at camp?
A: Our food service staff at overnight camp prepare a variety of pleasing and nutritious meals appropriate for children. Three well-balanced meals and one afternoon snack are served daily. Each meal includes one main dish and two sides. A salad bar is also available at lunch and dinner, and snacks are provided in the afternoon.
Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free options are available at all meals. If you or your camper has allergies, dietary needs, or requirements based on religious or philosophical beliefs, please contact us at least one week before your arrival so that we can help plan the best meal options for you.
Q: How can I keep in contact with my Girl Scout(s)?
A: The best way to keep in contact with your Girl Scout(s) is mail! You can drop off mail for the week during check-in OR send it directly to camp (please include camper's name, session name, and session date). Mail is distributed at lunch each day. It is a good idea to send your camper(s) with pre-addressed envelopes and stamps in order for them to reply. The camp team will also post photos and highlights from camp on Rallyhood. You will receive an email invite you join your camp Rally prior to the start of the camp session.
For safety reasons, access to camp properties is limited when camp is in session. If you have an emergency or change in plans, please call the camp director. Camp phone numbers are provided with your confirmation materials, and camp directors will contact the parents in case of an emergency or illness. Please note: Camp phones are limited to camp business only.
Q: What are the check-in/check-out times?
A: Check out our general camp procedures for full details.
Q. What’s a typical day like at camp?
A. Our camp sessions are overflowing with ways to make friends and memories and every day is full of girl-led fun and adventure! Check out our camp page for what a typical day at camp looks like.
Q: Who are the camp staff?
A: Camps have specialists—like a cook, healthcare manager, and activity specialist staff for the horse and adventure programs. These staff members are carefully selected for their skills, as well as how they work with children and adults. Staff members who supervise high-adventure activities such as the pool, water sports, challenge course, archery, and other areas receive additional training and qualifications.
Overnight camp unit leaders and counselors are enthusiastic, talented, and caring individuals, who are 18 years of age or older. Campers’ health and safety are our top priorities. We select staff based on their maturity, program skills, experience, and their ability to serve as role models. All staff must attend an intensive pre-camp training program, including safety, activity planning, camper care, team building, and much more. Meet our camp directors.
Q: Is there a camp trading post?
A: Each of our camps has its own, unique trading post! At overnight camp, (Camp Conshatawba and Camp Skymeadow) the trading post will be open during check-out. In addition, Girl Scouts will visit the trading post at least once during their time at overnight camp and items range from camp-specific merchandise to patches and camp attire. Prices can range from about $1 to $40 depending on the item.
Adding money to your trading post account is optional. We recommend about $25/week. To provide smoother and safer service, overnight camp is going cashless (day camps will still accept cash). Use the forms below to add a trading post deposit (including Girl Scout Bucks and Indie Girl Scout Rewards) or purchase a Camp Care Kit for your Girl Scout. The trading post will be open periodically during her stay at camp with a full line of merchandise! Money that is not spent during the week will be returned in the form of a gift certificate.
2024 Camp Conshatawba Trading Post Deposit and Camp Care Kit Form
2024 Camp Skymeadow Trading Post Deposit and Camp Care Kit Form
Trading Posts may or may not be open during day camp at Camp Hawthorne Ridge and Camp Redwing, but don't worry, you can use the souvenir order forms below to order camp swag!
Camp Hawthorne Ridge Souvenir Order Form
Camp Redwing Souvenir Order Form
Program Disclaimer
We reserve the right to cancel any program or program activity when weather conditions are unsuitable– including extreme heat, thunderstorms, etc. Refunds are not given when activities are canceled as a result of “Acts of God.”